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at Sat Aug 8 05:02:18 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by poorsilver ]
Okay...I have come here after exhausting all options over the last few hours. Here is a little background.
This evening(it is almost midnight here in Oahu,HI) after returning home from having surgery. I almost stepped on a young bird. It was turning dark and the baby had been really soaked by the sprinklers. Here in Oahu the winds are pretty strong with a hurricane expected this weekend. Anyway. I took the baby to the back deck. And place him into a birdcage for about 30 minutes. As the wind blew him dry he began to move about in the cage and sing constantly.I assume in an attempt to find its mother. I keep feed at the back of my deck for birds and have a very wide variety of unique visitors.With the cage doors open I have been successful in having 2 birds re-united with their mothers this way. A mynah and a red crested cardinal.The mynah had fallen from the Palm beside the house. Unfortunately it's brother/sister somehow did not survive the fall with the nest. Anyway, after no success of having todays bird find it's mother in this way. I took the bird from the deck and placed him in the yard to sing near the bird feeders and shrubs. The young bird sang and was approached by another bird once. the young bird then to my surmise FLEW!! straight back to the cage(about 15 feet away. It was now Dark so I placed the young one back in the cage and into a nest that I had found a month or so ago.
Now, I fear that this bird if he makes it through the night will not survive if not fed. What really bothers me is that I believe this bird is possibly an ENDANGEred species. The bird appears to be a young Honeycreeper. He/She has a Curved Bill which is longer than what would be expected. It is predominately yellow and Green. It's song I would classify as more of a repeated trill. ANyway, if this bird makes it through the night.....I need suggestions on what should be done to ensure it's survival. WIth an emphasis on the bird returning to the wild safely.
I guess it is also important to note that around my home are many Mongoose and stray cats left to it;s own it would surely meet an undesirable end.
This has been long winded. But thanks for reading and hopefully more thanks for your help in saving this bird.
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4 hrs to Save an endangered Bird... - poorsilver, Sat Aug 8 05:02:18 2009