Posted by:
at Sun Aug 9 02:49:07 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by poorsilver ]
Thanks for the reply.
this morning before daylight I went out to the deck and opened up the cage. Baby was still alive. So I left the door open and proceeded to drink coffee and watch for the outcome. As the sun came up the baby started to sing constantly calling for it's mother I assume. After about 20 minutes a pair of Majiro's(White Eyes) showed up,Coaxing the little one from the cage.
The little one Flew to the top of the cage and then Off the the deck almost making it to the canopy before a strong when pushed the little one straight to the ground.
I then went outside picked the little one back up and took him back to the cage for round two. The two white eyes either parents or surragates lit on a limb in the Guava tree about 10 feet away and began to search it for food. they then fed baby 2 times over the next 30 minutes, Backed off and called for baby to C'mon let's go! baby tried this time getting blown back down into a neighbors small privacy fence area where his cat was roaming. luckily when I arrived to retrieve him the cat could not figure out where the Loud calling of the baby was coming from. His size seemed to help him in this situation. The baby is not much larger than a small lemon. Anyway, Round 3.
Back at the cage baby rested for about and hour. By this time the rest of the birds that come in for their daily feeding from my yard had arrived. The Bulbals, Brazilian cardinals, Rock doves and ringnecks as well as a flock of Java finches and other assorted finches were all their. My only worry was the 7-10 Mynahs that were also present. The Mynahs always run the show around here and can be very rough with the other birds. I feared that a fall to the ground here could result in the babies demise.
Well, this time baby Flew from the nest landing on the a smaller shrub. The two white eyes instantly greeted im along with the rest of the Finch flock. His next flight was straight up to the canopy where he was heard all day calling. His call is much different than the other birds and is very distinguishable.
As of sunset I went outside and could here him still above in the canopy. I know he is without a nesting spot however, I feel satisfied that his surrogate parents will teach him well and he will be fine as long as he can stay in the tree through the nights and off the ground. Mongoose are unforgiving and very hard on birds here especially the ground nesters.
Anyway, Thanks for the response. My plan of action was to give him the chance to make it own his own. If he had not taken the course he did I decided I was going to take him to the Honolulu Zoo Or UH pacific here on the island.
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