Posted by:
at Mon Mar 17 04:06:50 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Amosuk ]
I have a problem with my zebra finches and need some expert advice.
we first got 2 male zebra finches and a cage big enough for them, however I was given a parot cage which was alot bigger
Length 86cm Width 21 cm Height 93 cm
we covered the cage with light green plactic garden mesh as the bars were too wide.
anyhow we decided to get another finch which the person at the pet shop said it was ok to get an odd number of birds, this is where the problem started.
when we put the new male bird in, the original pair, one of them started chasing off its pal, and it paired up with the new bird.
so we got another bird, the pet shop assistant said it might not be a male, so I got it, we put that bird in, now the same bird who paired up with the first new bird, now has paired up with that one.
now the origianl pair who was in the cage first the bird which was abbandoned for the new bird does'nt sing as much and sometimes just sleeps most of the time.
I tried to make things nice for them by putting in 2 nests and nesting material anyhow, 1 nest has all the nesting material and the other has none, 2 birds keep stealing the other birds nest.
the first new bird growls at the other pair all the time chasing them from its nest wahts left of it, and the other pair well they try to mate all the time, they make this quiet squaking noise, and jump on each others back.
the colouring of the 2 original brids are typical zebra finches
the other two are white breasted they dont have the black bit above the breast, they have light grey heads with very pale orange cheeks their back is light grey too, they look very cute, they both have light orange with white speckales just below their wings.
the other worrying thing is one of the zevra finches from the original pair has been losing feather on the back of his neck, he does'nt seem to be in any pain and apart from the growling I cant find who is pulling feathers out, the bird losing the feather sings all the time and is very active.
so any ideas on how I can get them to stop fighting? and whats with the the 2 birds mating all the time are they gay or somthing
any idvice would be cool
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- Zebra Finch Behaviour ( Gay Birds) - Amosuk, Mon Mar 17 04:06:50 2008