Posted by:
at Fri Aug 15 18:59:51 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by abrou ]
I recently found a zebra finch in the laundry room of my building. We've been taking care of him for a while now. He was sick, but the vet treated him and he is recovering very well. He was probably lost for about a week, according to the vet. Anyway, the apartment we live in is not allowed to have any pets, but we have been given permission to take care of him. If we can't find the owners, we'd like to keep him (we're bird lovers!) but we think it would be pushing it to buy another one. We will be moving out of this apartment in a few months. Will it be cruel to keep him that long alone (not in a pair). Also, when we do get him a friend, is it okay to be another male? Might there be problems with that?
Thanks for your help!
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