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RE: what did she have?

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Posted by: PHIggysbirds at Fri Apr 25 21:24:58 2008  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by PHIggysbirds ]  

I can suggest many birds that may be able to talk, some of which aren't usually screamers. But PLEASE do not just adopt or purchase a bird for its talking ability. African greys are rated as the top talking bird but I have known many who never say a word, I have also known some that have quite extensive vocabularies. I have known budgies that don't say a word and some that will say several. This goes for most species of birds. I don't know of any species that are guaranteed to talk. If you purchase a bird only with the hopes of having a talking companion there is a very great chance you will be disappointed.

Green cheek conures -- can learn to talk and be understood, their voices are usually scratchy and a little quieter. They are one of the quietest of the conure family. Not all will talk and one sex is not any more likely to talk than the other.

Sun, Nanday and Jenday conures -- all have the ability to speak, some more clearly than others but are also known as being screamers. Not all will scream and not all will talk.

Senegals, Meyers, etc -- can be quite loud but aren't always. Can learn to talk usually only a few words but some will have more extensive vocabularies. May not talk at all.

Quaker -- illegal in some states. Can be excellent talkers, some say they rival the african grey in amount of words learned. Can be very understandable but at other times may have a scratchy voice. Can have a irritating scream (I don't mind it but some do) many are noisy others are very quiet.

Caiques -- can learn to talk, aren't really known for extensive speaking ability. More known to be playful clowns. Can be screamers but not always.

Parakeets besides budgies -- there are many of these some have great talking abilities others don't. Indian Ringnecks will usually learn some words and phrases but also have a scream that sounds like a car alarm. The same usually goes for the Mustached, plum headed, Alexandrine etc. Do a google search to see pictures. Lineolated etc usually aren't as loud but I also haven't heard as much on their talking abilities.

After doing a google search (look in the photo gallery for owners with these types of birds or on wikipedia for pics for care, abilities etc of a certain bird or species I will be happy to suggest some sites and books if I know more of which types you are most interested in.


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>> Next Message:  RE: what did she have? - banjobert, Sat Apr 26 12:52:15 2008

<< Previous Message:  RE: what did she have? - banjobert, Fri Apr 25 19:11:38 2008