Posted by:
at Fri Jan 30 23:37:10 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Aleu ]
haha yeah I know it DOES sound like that doesn't it? lol I realized that after I read it myself. I still really appreciate the advice you have given me though. I seem to really connect with him a lot and he also "tolerates/likes" my fiance (who doesn't mind him as well and actualyl likes him).
I went to another pet store today with similar birds and nothing caught my eye or felt the same. I didn't feel as much of a connection with them (i tried), if at all (just like before I met this bird). Then all day today all I could think about was him! I still have not bought him though.
I went to visit him again today too. The owner also told me that everyone that has been looking at him has been male...but this bird likes females. He likes males too..but females are his favorite (which makes me think he's a male as well lol). I spent about 2 hours with him (the owner didn't mind). I am not afraid of him at all, or of biting (which he hasn't done yet) although I am cautious around him simply because I am a stranger. I even took him out with a lot of strange people around and he was still relaxed. He got scared a few times becuase someone scared him but he quickly relaxed again and doesn't seem the least bit afraid for the most part. I even put him back in his cage, took him out, put him back, took him out (i know this tests his patience but I feel it was a good "test" . I'll try not to stress him out like that later :-p If I do decide to get him for sure ( or some other bird), I will definately let you know and also bring the bird to the vet for a FULL checkup so I can make it's healthy and for more info. I don't care how expensive it is for the vet for any of my animals...I was alotting about $500 for whatver birds' initial vet visits and test. The one thing that is concerning me is there appears to be a ruffled patch of feathers on the left side of his neck....I'm not sure if I should poke it (examine...I obviouslty won't just poke him in the neck lol) and risk getting my finger bit or losing his trust, or if there is a better way of examining it (maybe with a towel over him to prevent him from struggling too much?). Do you have any suggestions for checking that since I am a complete stranger to him? it almost looks like SOME of the feathers might have been clipped/pulled out and now they are growing back therefore making it look poofey in that one spot...but of course i worry about a tumor or cyst.
Also...I have read some metals are toxic to birds...but also appear to be on many bird toys/cages. Is it toxic just by sheer contact/licking/chewing or is it onkly toxic if ingested? Thanks again!
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