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RE: My macaws lower beak grows weird

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Posted by: PHIggysbirds at Sat Dec 5 00:20:18 2009  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by PHIggysbirds ]  

Our macaws won't use cuttle bone either, in fact it is mainly our smaller birds that will use it. Our macaws do like mineral blocks though. We don't give them to them extremely often as they seem to chew them to dust almost immediately

With the macaw being in that bad of shape when you got him I would really suggest trying to get him into an avian vet. I know it can be hard to find one and expensive but it can really be worth it as well, if for nothing else then the piece of mind knowing he is healthy (or being able to treat any illness and having him live a long and healthy life.)

If you need help finding an avian vet let me know your general area and I would be happy to try and help you locate one.

He looks like you are taking good care of him and I commend you on getting him out of a bad situation. Good luck with his beak overgrowth and let me know if you need help finding a vet in your area. We have two avian vets we have been using and have to travel over an hour for both of them (they are the ones I like best LOL) we do have one nearer to us who is an exotics vet and works with a lot of birds but he doesn't seem to have the same knowledge and ability with the birds as the others. I know it can be hard to find one in your area and one that you like.

Now that I have rambled on about that Will he rub his beak on perches or hard surfaces? I have in our macaws cages concrete perches (along with branches, rope perches, swings etc). The concrete perches are not in the main area where they perch but in more of a secondary spot and I have noticed most of them like to clean and rub their beaks along these perches. That "might" help to naturally grind down that area on his beak. If you don't already have one you might try it just to see if it helps at all.


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<< Previous Message:  RE: My macaws lower beak grows weird - goldmasa, Fri Dec 4 17:31:37 2009