Posted by:
at Thu Dec 16 23:08:19 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by lucia ]
Hi, I hope that you will be able to help and/or advise. My pet mallard, Cleffie, got out onto the pond behind the condo where I used to live and I assume because it was October and the ducks were pairing up, he decided not to come in. I had to relocate for work to another state and I wasn't able to get him, but arranged for a trapper to come and get him and I would fly back and pick him up. long story short, the Grand at Olde Carrollwood condo association wouldn't let the trapper get him! I have a permit and called FWC, who told me that I needed to call the Hillsborough county Sheriff, which I did. They agreed that the condo has to let me get my property, but I have to be there when the trapper is there. Unfortunately, now the trapper backed out because he doesn't want to risk the wrath of the condo association or end up in the press if someone hears about this. Silly, I know, but now I am in town with no one to help me catch him. Cleffie is in Tampa, Fl and I had to move to NC, but I am in South Florida this weekend. Do you know of anyone in Tampa who may have an net gun or a fast way of trapping Cleff so I can get him and go? I miss my little guy and will fly back again and again until I get him. Thanks, Lucia 850-345-0082
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