Posted by:
at Mon Feb 16 22:32:05 2004 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by ReptileGurl08 ]
Body 30 points head 16 points ears 10 points eyes 2 points Wool Texture 14 points Wool Density 8 points Wool length 5 points Color 10 points Condition 5 points Judged by groups: Agouti AOV Self Shaded and Tan pattern Junior bucks and does Under 6 months of age, maximum weight 3 pounds. Minimum weight 1 1/2 pounds Senior Bucks and does 6 months of age and over, not over 3 1/2 pounds. Ideal weight 3 pounds. The Jersey Wooly has 16 disqualification's. Breed Wool White and Colored classes Almost everyone that shows ARBA gets a book of standards that tells everything about every breed the ARBA sanctions. You can order from the ARBA. This is the book we use to judge by.
This is for the Jersey woolies-The Fluf of the fancy mini rex-the hair to the throme netherland dwarf-the gem of the fancy
That is their nicknames in the rabbit showing world.
The netherland dwarfs are the smallest breed in the world!Weighing in at 1-2 pds.There is over 30 reconized colors known in the ARBA.(American Rabbit breeders assn.)
Rabbit showing is great!Im getting my neighbors kids starting in it.. and my nephew,cousins,neices and friends started out..
If yall need ANYTHING else e-mail me at
~Kara~ HunnyBunnyRabbitry!
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