Posted by:
at Tue Nov 29 19:28:33 2005 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by gocatgo ]
>>1. Which of these is not a member of the cat family? >> Cheetah >> Tapir >> Ocelot tapir >> >>2. How many whiskers do cats have? >> An average of 24 >> An average of 12 >> An average of 6 average of 24 >> >>3. What does it mean when a cat rubs against you? >> Trying to get rid of an itch >> It is leaving its scent on you >> It wants to be stroked >>it's leaving its scent on you
>>4. Can cats see color? >> Not at all >> Barely >> Perfectly perfectly-but I have a hunch that the answer is barely..and how do they really know? >> >>5. Humans can hear noise up to 20,000 hertz What is the cat's range? >> Up to 40,000 hertz >> Up to 100,000 hertz >> Over 250,000 hertz >>no idea, but will guess 100,000 hertz
>>6. How many kinds of hair do most cats have? >> Two kinds >> Three kinds >> Four kinds >>two?
>>7. Which country had a history of death sentences for anyone caught killing a cat? >> Egypt >> France >> Rome >>Egypt
>>8. What is ailurophobia? >> Love of cats >> Fear of cats >> Allergy to cats fear of cats >> >>9. What does it mean if a cat's tail swishes furiously from side to side? >> Sign of anger >> Greeting >> Sign of submission >>means he's mad and you better watch out
>>10. In Britain, a black cat means... >>Good luck >>Bad luck >>A change of luck >>good luck? ----- Ruby and the Kitties Simba, Samantha, Katrina & KatyKatt Meow!! Meow!! Meow!! Meow!!
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