Posted by:
at Sat Aug 12 01:55:20 2006 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by DaKatzTonknTurks ]
>>...your cat? >> >>I'm allergic to cats which is why I own three. To help myself out, I wash the cats a few times a year (Stink gets out of it. She is the only cat I've ever been owned by who would actually kill me if I tried!) Cat bathing is standard advice from allergists whose patients will no give up their cats. >> >>Only I married a dedicated dog person and he swears I'm completely nuts and now that he has mentioned it 60 or 70 times on this subject I realised I've never met anyone else who washes the cat. >> >>So tell me - have you ever bathed your cat? Assuming you lived to tell about it. Do you think you could if you needed to? >> >>Purrs, >>Elizabeth
Bathing a cat helps to reduce dander which is what most people are actually allergic to. Less dander = less of an allergic reaction. Fortunately, I am not allergic to my kitties. As for bathing MY cats... If they're not a show cat only when they need it. Show kitties get a bath before every show which is about once a month on avarage. Since they are bathed from the time they are 3 months old they don't mind it. In fact they come to = bath time with showtime. Showtime = lots and lots of people giving them attention, playing with them, and telling them how pretty/handsome they are. Oh and baby food! Can't forget the baby food which they only get at shows between rings as a treat, off a silver baby spoon of course! LOL! When they ar retired from showing they no longer get bathed.
----- PURRS!!!! Tricia Da-Katz
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