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at Wed Sep 20 11:45:18 2006 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Kaseys412 ]
Well, baby Atticus was neutered yesterday, had 2 shots, was FeLV tested, and had both ears vigorously flushed and treated for ear mites. Needless to say, he came home not feeling so hot. I was starting to get a little worried because his surgery was performed at approx 10:00 am, here it is almost 10:00 pm and he cant get up and walk. I felt so bad for the little guy, thank goodness some friends in the cat chat told me to squirt water into his mouth because the anesthesia can dehydrate him. 3 squirts of water later, and this cat gets up, goes and uses the litter box, and has a little bite to eat! I knew he was feeling much better at about 4:00 this morning when he was purring, rolling around on the bed, and chewing on my fingers! I'm still going to make him take it east for the next day or two.. Scotty wants to play and romp in the worst way, but Atticus doesn't seem up to it yet, he needs to heal. So.. Atticus is doing just fine.. much better.. PS--> He is so stinking cute that the Vet offered to buy him from me when I went to pick him up!! Of course no amount would have made me say yes! )
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Atticus is OK! - Kaseys412, Wed Sep 20 11:45:18 2006