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RE: Would you speak up?

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Posted by: cyclopsgrl at Sat Mar 3 06:19:13 2007  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by cyclopsgrl ]  

If it were me, I would play less on how you don't like the vet because you might get her guard up that you think she is making a bad decision (whether you mean to or not) and I would play more on her getting a second opinion/examination. Let her know in this sitionation it wouldn't hurt as there may be other treatments that will make the cat more comfortable.

One thing you may face is people have different levels of what they'll do for a pet financially. Some people accept the less aggressive treatment (let the cat die of "old age" vs. others that will seek out treatment to make the cat comfortable and give a better quality of life. Unless we (you in this case) are willing to pay for additional vet care if they (she) isn't willing too, you really can't push it. It is amazing how some people roll easily into the "dying of old age" syndrom without seeing what the problem is. I have had more than one friend/family call with a Senior cat that is extremely thin that has either passed or about to pass and they say the cat is dying of old age. From what they indicate, the cat has/had been wasting away for several weeks. They just have it in their head that it is natural for older pets to die naturally... What they don't know is it could be something like kidney or thyroid problems that can be controlled for quite a while with meds. But, if suggested to see a vet, they "...don't take animals to the vet -- do you know how expensive that is???" I find it funny because it is usually a 15-17 year old beloved pet that has been with the for years!
Stanley and Pookey


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>> Next Message:  RE: Would you speak up? - cyclopsgrl, Sat Mar 3 06:20:31 2007

<< Previous Message:  RE: Would you speak up? - ThreeCalicos, Fri Mar 2 19:16:26 2007