Posted by:
at Sat Mar 3 16:01:14 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by ttpurr4cat ]
If the cat isn't appearing to be ill but the friend is suffering. I would delicately mention that sometimes a second opinion is needed. It doesn't sound to me like enough was done to even diagnose the kitty much less pronounce it to be dying. Many things can cause a little blood in a stool, including worms. ----- Tessa Onyx, Foudini, Charlee, Spottie, ShyRaven, Buddy, Tuxie, Widdle Attila Sipowitz, Lizzie, Minnie, ET, Mylo, Penny (We be house cats at last), and Salem, Wicca and Marmalade (We iz also house cats, we guess)and the 5 porch kits also Riley da goggie and Alex da baby hamster too Tabitha and Samantha..always in our hearts
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