Posted by:
at Sun Mar 4 18:23:06 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by kittyromeo ]
Thank you to everyone who replied. I was really struggling with my own dislike of this vet. But my friends really like this vet, they have used to other.
Katc and Tessa pretty much summed up my own suspicious thoughts - Wuzzy might even be ill. We all tend to lose something as we age, often minor things that can be controlled as Tammy pointed out. I've played phone tag the past few days with my friends so I don't if there has been any change in the last week.
I'm not opposed to Wuzzy being allowed to die with dignity, I just don't understand how she could be given a death sentence with no explaination.
My friends lost a 3 y.o. cat to rabies vaccine related cancer about 18 months ago. This vet sent Mocha home to die (I don't know the location of the tumor or if amputation was raised. Mocha never left the master bedroom while I visited, unlike Wuzzy who comes and sees me) She had painkillers at one point. Twice they took her asking the vet if it was time to put her down, was she in a lot of pain, twice they were sent home. The third time they insisted Mocha be put down as they were going out of town and didn't want their sis who was cat sitting to be stuck making final arrangements. I recognize with their attachment to Mocha it might have been dicey for the vet to simply say "It's time."
But several years ago I picked up a mother cat and litter to foster. One kitten was clearly dying. I drove from the pick up to my own vet only to discover her scambling to cover a nasty emergency. So I drove to this vet and asked to have them put the kitten down. I was told the kitten was fine, asked to come back that afternoon for a scheduled appointment, which I did. When I came back, I pulled the kitten out of my shirt (I was trying to keep it warm) held it out and told the vet to put it down. She told me I could save the kitten, showed me how to tube feed it and sent me home. The kitten died mewling in pain 20 minutes later.
I've hesitated to speak up because if Wuzzy isn't dying, a little time might make my friends more inclined to consider getting a second opinion. And if she is, I think my position to be more of insisting they follow their gut when it comes to time to say good-bye.
Thanks again everyone for weighing in on a difficult call.
Purrs, Elizabeth
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