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at Sat Mar 31 06:25:42 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by cyclopsgrl ]
My boys are very predictable with set routines/habits. Stanley is a morning cat and we have a morning "get ready" routine. Pookey has an evening routine with me.
The most unusual is Pookey's... Every night when I get ready for bed, I check the front door to make sure it is locked. He pretty much knocks me over, thundering past me, to get to it first. He then promptly rolls over and shows me his tummy, purring and chirping very loudly. It has become a major petting session vs. a lock check for years now. He will not let me check the lock without being there with me. He will shoot out of the litter box half finished and drop food from his mouth at the food dish and run to the door if he thinks I am checking the front door lock without him.
When he had his leg amputation surgery three years ago (wow, three years already next month!), the first day home he was very drugged up and out of it (24 hours after surgery)... The second day home, without thinking, I went to check the door at bedtime and he pulled himself off the couch and drug himself over to the door growling, groaning, and hissing the whole way and lay flat by the front door. I gently pet him and told him what a good boy he was -- he groaned the whole time... It did give me a great look at the stitches as he showed me his tummy, but it broke my heart. I carried him back to his cat bed and avoided checking the lock at bedtime the first week until he was up and around again... ----- Tammy
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