Posted by:
at Sun May 20 13:29:59 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by cyclopsgrl ]
I am going thru the same thing and am putting a timeline of sorts below so you can kind of see the luck I've had with the Science Diet KD and other things that have happened (that may well happen with your cat).
At age 13, Stanley started having constipation problems. I keep it under control with hairball treats/tube hairball stuff and Latulose (stool softner from the vet). If you have something that works for the hard stools, stick with it. It has kind of been trial and error to find the right combo for Stanley.
At age 14, Stanley was diagnosed with early CRF. I started him on Science Diet KD. The diet has almost stopped his kidney values from getting worse for a year an a half now. He'd done really well on the food. I feed him ONLY the food with an occasional single treat or two each day (he has to have "food" with one of his meds, so I have to give him a treat to get him to eat). Do not feed anything but the KD if you can help it. It works best without other "junk food" in the cat's system.
At age 15 1/2, yesterday, I took him to the vet for a check up. I take both my boys in to the vet every 6 months for a basic blood check (condensed blood profile) since they turned age 11. It helps with early detection. Anyway, Stanley's kidney values came back with one number higher than the last check and one number lower than the last check, but the food esentially holding at a pretty stable value... However, he has picked up another problem as a result of the CRF, Anemia. I hear it is pretty common. The vet is going to have me start on a human anemia med for him (had to get it at a human pharmacy). Give him a shot twice a week for now and check in 3 months. Maybe go to once a week. It looks fairly simple.
My vet also mentioned down the road he'll need fluids once or twice a week. The vet can do it for me, or, she says it won't be that difficult to do at home once I am shown how... Also cheaper and easier on the cat to do at home.
So, the food works really well, but you will want to have your cat checked out every six months (or less if the vet advises) to keep on top of any changes. So far, simple steps early on have keep his kidney failure slowed considerably... It won't stop it from progressing, tho.
As to the poop smell, I don't notice much change. I also don't really know how to keep your other cats out of the food. Fortunately, Stanley's brother, Pookey, is also 15 1/2 and benefits from the KD. ----- Tammy
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