Posted by:
at Mon Jul 23 16:54:56 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by teganslaw ]
>>Ellen, how old are your cats? >>>
Quentin is 10 years old and Star is about 9 years old. I adopted both cats in September of '99. According to the papers I have Quentin was born in May of '97, but no exact date for Star. I know that Star was at least a year old or a little younger when I adopted her because she had a litter of kittens at the shelter in the spring of '99. (she was spayed soon after & homes were found for her kittens.) I was mistaken in my earlier post that Quentin had his teeth cleaned three times: it was only twice. The next time will be the third. I had not heard the latest about dry food maybe causing more tarter than canned. My vet didn't know why Quentin has more trouble than Star. I take my cats every year for their exam and rabies shots, so at the same time the vet checks their teeth. It's Indiana law that cats have to have annual rabies shots, in case anyone wonders about that. 
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