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RE: Grooming issues

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Posted by: gocatgo at Mon Aug 27 21:21:46 2007  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by gocatgo ]  

Hi Patricia, it's not unusual for some cats to not like grooming. Starting them when they are young, is usually the best method. However they will soon learn to tolerate it if you are consistent and do it a little everyday, if only for a couple of minutes at first.

It's only been the past few years that I've been brushing mine regularly. Before that I hardly ever combed or brushed them. Samantha especially loves it, and purrs while I'm grooming her. She wants to be the only one to be brushed though, hogging the whole show. When I get the comb and brush out, Samantha comes running.

I take them to the groomers at least once a year, where Simba will get a bath and lion cut and the other three get baths and brushed out. I don't take them all the same day and they've never been drugged to be groomed. I've gone to the same groomer for a few years and trust her with my cats. Sometimes I'll stay and wait for the cat that's being groomed but usually go home for an hour or so, and then pick that cat up. The groomer is only about 10 minutes from my home.

For combing and brushing your Maine Coon, I suggest using some kind of grooming tool such as the Zoom Groom which is a soft plastic and has big nubby teeth. My most reluctant cat even likes the feel of that one. Then when your cat gets used to being handled, use a soft brush and a comb for a short time as well. Also I find the shedding blade helpful as it gets out a lot of the undercoat.

For mats, you'll need to gently pick the mats apart with a mat picker. Then kind of spread them apart with your fingers until you can run a comb through them. Just do a little at first until he grows used to being combed and brushed. If it's matted very badly, I put my fingers on the base of the mat and cut the upper part off. Then comb the mat out. Simba is my only cat who mats. I have 2 long haired ones but Katrina, who is part Maine Coon, has a long silky coat that never mats.

Be sure to give your kitty lots of praise while you're grooming him. Treats afterwards would probably be appreciated by him. Good luck!

Here's a picture of Katrina walking the deck railing.

Ruby and the Kitties
Simba, Samantha, Katrina & KatyKatt
Meow!! Meow!! Meow!! Meow!!

How wonderful to do nothing and then rest afterwards. Meow!


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