Posted by:
at Sat Sep 22 12:09:31 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by cyclopsgrl ]
Welcome! Do you also have a cat named Whiskers, in addition to Renegade, from your signature block?
You've come to the right place to ask questions and share pictures and stories!
I look forward to seeing pictures of Renegade and hearing of his kitten antics! URIs are very common in cats that spend time at a vet or shelter. Both of mine came to me with a URI when I adopted them many years ago from a shelter. One remains with me now, he is 16 and is three legged. I just treated him for a URI last week. Three legged cats are more susceptible to URIs from the way they sit. It is his second in about 3 1/2 years of the amputation. I am sure you know this, but do give every last antibiotic pill/squirt they gave you -- even if he seems better. They have to have the full treatment to make sure it is all gone...
Bless you for the foster work you do! ----- Tammy and Pookey (Stanley 8/91 - 8/07)
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