Posted by:
at Sun Mar 30 18:05:06 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by PHKitkat ]
Hi There,
With most people I would recommend feeding a higher quality food but you are already feeding one of the very best brands. I believe that Core is grain-free, which is excellent as cats do not need the grains you find in most foods out there. In some cases these grains can cause smelly stools because cats cannot digest them well.
If you are feeding dry, you might try switching to canned food to see if it makes a difference....but I kind of doubt that it will. You can also try other brands but it sounds like your cats are doing very well with what you are feeding. The odor may just be something you have to live with.
I don't know what kind of litter you are using, but I usually recommend unscented clumping litter. The scented litters always smell worse to me once they are used and cats often don't like the scent anyway. I empty and scrub all 10 (yes, 10!) of the litterboxes here every week, fill with clean clumping litter and the odor here is minimal.
Take care, and please let us know if you decide to make any changes.
Regards, PHKitkat
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