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RE: Leash-training update

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Posted by: gocatgo at Wed Oct 29 18:07:19 2008  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by gocatgo ]  

Cats are such silly little creatures. I'll never forget when I got a couple of them for my cats. Simba's fit him fine, but Samantha was too fat so I had to order an extension to put on it to allow for her extra fat belly. Then when I put them on the cats, they would fall on their sides like they were carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders. They eventually got used to them though so that Paula and I could take them for walks down the bike trail. I've found that cats don't really walk much, just a few steps, then they stop and investigate whatever is on the ground in front of them.

Another thing that is fun for cats is the cat buggy. We have two of those also and Samantha, who is fat and lazy, loves being pushed down the bike trail in a buggy.

With the walking jacket on Murray, I would suggest just letting him get used to it in the house for a few minutes a day, like you are doing. Eventually he'll get used to it so that you can take him out for some daily exercise. I wouldn't expect him to really "walk" too much, but rather investigate his environment, however he may surprise you and take to 'walking' like Simba did.

Good luck with him and be sure to let us know how it goes with Murray. He sure is a gorgeous boy!

Ruby and the Kitties
Simba, Samantha, Katrina & KatyKatt
Meow!! Meow!! Meow!! Meow!!

How wonderful to do nothing and then rest afterwards. Meow!


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