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at Fri Dec 18 10:26:22 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by DrFunZ ]
OH dear,
Luna and Rame met last night. It was a horrible experience for all three of us. The vet said since it was a week and since he was healthy, it was time they met, since both wanted out of their rooms so badly. Yeah, well, THAT was a bad idea!
I let the two cats meet each oher. Luna sniffed and they stared, and then she chased him into another room and then HISSED and then Luna ATTACKED!!! Poor Rame, he did not know what hit him!! At first he tried to run, but she cornered him so he had no choice but to fight back. They ran around the house trying to bite each other and I finally got them separated by clapping my hands. He ended up with a little scratch on his nose but no other injuries even though she tried to bite him! This is the first time I have seen her be the least bit aggressive ever.
Now Rame is terrified!! He will not leave the bathtub; he will not walk out of the bathroom - the same room he was begging to be let out of the day before. Every time he hears a noise he hides behind the shower curtain; every time he hears Luna cry, he gets nervous. Luna, of course, is bolder. She hissed at him this morning through the door. I cannot be with him every minute (He is in my tiny bathroom!!)
How am I going to get her to not terrify him? She is going to keep hissing at him. He is SOOOOO scared. How do I stop her from being so aggressive toward him? It is not as if she is going to change her mind about how unhappy she with him around. Do I just start all over again? Is the resident cat going to get used to the idea that here is another cat around or will she simply continue to terrorize him?
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Not a good start... I need HELP - DrFunZ, Fri Dec 18 10:26:22 2009