Posted by:
at Sun Nov 2 08:59:42 2003 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by DrFunZ ]
Hello, all,
I have been planning on adopting a cat and have fallen in love with an adorable one at the local animal shelter. The problem is that the cat is too afraid to leave her cage! When the cage door is opened, she scurries to the back of the cage. From there, she lets me pet her and becomes a purring machine! As soon as I close the cage, she runs up to it and tries to get me to pet her again. But when I RE-open the cage, she runs to the back again. If I open and close the cage door, she will run back and forth from the front to the back. She likes people, but something about that open cage and the BIG world is getting to her!
I am wondering about her "adoptability" under these conditions. She is a pure white short hair, was a mom about 6-7 months ago and has one blue eye and one yellow eye - clearly a genetic recessive in many ways.
Any ideas? I would hate to see this cutie languish forever in that tiny cage. Thanks!
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Scaredy Cat - need your ideas - DrFunZ, Sun Nov 2 08:59:42 2003