Posted by:
at Wed Aug 4 13:04:43 2004 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by JaimeMarie ]
>>My cat already has a lot of problems. Now to top all these problems off, she has started attacking very large dogs and even people going out for a walk. Just last week, she almost scratched a baby that was hobbling over to her. If I hadn't of told the german parents that the cat is very dangerous, their kid would be in the hospital still, or at least with many stitches. I am thinking about getting her euthanised now, there is just no way around it anymore.
That is to bad. Is she an indoor/outdoor kitty? If so is there a way you can keep her inside only? ----- Jaime owned by Mya the dog and the cats:Crash, Moxie, Gabby and sometimes Tucker
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