Posted by:
at Wed Nov 24 07:33:52 2004 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by newigal ]
Hi, welcome to the wonderful world of cat owners!
I'll talk about the your litter box questions.
You can't clean litter boxes enough. A good rule of thumb is to scoop their production as soon as you can. If the pan is full of their output, they may not use the box after awhile.
I completely empty, and scrub out my litter boxes every two weeks. I use hot soapy water, and some enzyme cleaner to scrub the boxes. I know my cats appreciate it, because as soon as I put the boxes out again, one or the other jumps right in and uses it! That's appreciation for you!
I use a brand of litter called "Cat Attract." It's designed to encourage cats who aren't always good about using the litter box. However, if a cat has a medical condition that causes inappropriate elimination, this litter won't help. A visit to the vet is in order at that point.
As far as the odor...perfumed litters often repel cats. The perfume smell is for us humans. Just as there are chemically sensitive humans, cats are often repelled and overwhelmed by strong smells. The best solution is to scoop as soon as your kitty is done with her business.
To keep litter tracking to a minimum, try using a mat. Be aware that some mats are annoying to cats, and that may cause them to avoid the litter to do their business!
Good luck; keep us posted!
----- Nancy E. Wigal
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