Posted by:
at Thu Jan 20 01:17:43 2005 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by sjlovescc ]
Hi, we are having a similar problem in our house. we had a 6 year old spayed female cat and two spayed female dogs both 4 years old. we adopted a 10 month old neutered male cat. he gets along well with the dogs. when he bites too hard they either walk away from him or snap back at which point he stops the offending behavior but quick. with the cat however, he stalks her and torments her. he seems to only want to play but she is clearly not interested. he is very persistant and often wont stop until one of us bipeds chases him away. isabelle, the female kitty has started toileting in the dining room which she has never done before, clearly related to the male kitty's harassment. we don't want to get rid of the little guy either but feel some guilt as isabelle is constantly on guard now and clearly is unhappy. any suggestions on how to extinguish this aggressive behavior. ps both cats are declawed and indoor only excepting an occasional stroll around the back yard with her dogs present to protect her from any neighborhood pets that might happen into the yard. the dogs are very protective of isabelle and the little dog often will put herself between she and the male kitty! thank you,
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