Posted by:
at Thu Jan 20 19:02:23 2005 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by gocatgo ]
Michelle, this is very interesting. Sorry, I can't offer any solutions. Like you, I've had all sorts of cats too, 4 of them to be exact and none are purebreds. None have never paced either, however pacing at night sounds sort of 'normal'.
My best guess is, that Sammy is pacing to announce his 'territorial rights'. Perhaps when he paces, he leaves his scent on his 'trail' via his little paw pads, which supposedly announces to the other cats that this is 'my territory'. Pacing is so much better than what two of my cats did to claim territory, PEEING to the point that my house became their litter box. Finally I got that situation under control. I just wish that it would have been pacing, like your Sammy is doing.
The nighttime thing is absolutely normal too, since cats are nocturnal. My male cat, Simba, gets worked up every night and walks around whining like a puppy. The other cats try to sleep and he goes up to them and tries to fight. I usually end up putting him downstairs in the family room till morning just so that I can get some sleep.
So good that Sammy has found a little kitten that he has bonded with. This is probably a very positive step in the right direction. You might want to try a Feliway Comfort Zone PlugIn or just spraying Feliway in the room a couple of times a day. Feliway mimics the happy scents that cats give off and seems to take the edge off of tense situations with cats. I've used it with great success in the past and to this day, still purchase and use Feliway on a weekly if not, daily basis.
Another thing that you could try is Bach's Rescue Remedy. I've not tried it but have heard rave reviews from others on this board and would definitely try it if you're worried about his pacing. It's something that can be rubbed in the ear or a drop or two in the water. I believe that you can purchase this from Drs Foster and Smith and definitely know that you can purchase the Feliway from them. Feliway costs about $25 (lasts about a month) and probably about the same for Rescue Remedy.
Good luck with all of your kitties and do come back and give us updates.
Feliway..Drs. Foster Smith
----- Ruby and the Kitties Simba, Samantha, Katrina & KatyKatt Meow!! Meow!! Meow!! Meow!!
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