Posted by:
at Tue Jun 14 22:29:56 2005 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by gocatgo ]
>>I've been rubbing Bach's on my kitty's ears for about a month or more now and he still has issues. My questions is, if I'm using water fountains that have a filter, will this filter out the Bach's if I put it in the water? >>Drugs are not an option for him, it totally zones him out.
I doubt if it would filter out the Rescue Remedy since it's a liquid and there would be nothing to filter. I guess.
I wish I knew the answer to these seemingly never-ending cat wars. It seems like it just gets worse the older that they get. My problem is with Simba and has been ever since I got him 7 years ago. He just acts like he wants constant attention. He's so needy. It really helped a lot when Pam and the kids were here because he got a lot of attention from Paula and David and didn't pick on the other cats constantly like he does now.
He constantly jumps into my lap to be loved on and jumps in bed with me at night, pushing me, almost demanding me to love on him. He just purrs his little heart out when he's with me but then will jump down and attack one of the cats, usually Samantha or KatyKatt. Once in a while, he'll even attack the only cat who he likes, Katrina.
I wish that I had some answers. When I discussed it with the vet, he said to let him play outside so he doesn't get stressed and to give him as much attention as I can. He already gets more attention than the other cats but it just doesn't seem to be enough.
When I go to work in the morning, I have to make sure that he is kept separate from the other cats, so down to the family room he goes, sometimes alone and sometimes with Katrina. It's a nice finished basement that looks just like another floor or room and not some dark dirty basement so he isn't being punished or anything. I have food, water and a litter box down there for the cats.
I've been thinking about asking the vet about Buspar and see if that will help. I've tried Bachs and Feliway. Nothing really seems to stop this behavior. I just don't want to come home from work some day and find a dead or injured cat.
Good luck to you, Astilover. I hope that you find the answers that you are seeking.
----- Ruby and the Kitties Simba, Samantha, Katrina & KatyKatt Meow!! Meow!! Meow!! Meow!!
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