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RE: my cat eats like a pig!

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Posted by: Tilda at Fri Aug 26 08:15:35 2005  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Tilda ]  

A one year old cat expends much more energy than a 10 year old. Keep that in mind when comparing the two. The Calico really does need much more food than the older one.

Otherwise, yes, he should not try to get the food of your other cat. It might be a power struggle betweeen the two. How do they get on otherwise? Do they fight? Often the older one simply walks away when a young newcomer enters the household. I heard that many times.

I would ensure that your older cat can eat in peace. Feed the newcomer elsewhere and don't let him near your older cat before he's finished his meal (close the door). Your older cat should not have to worry about his food nor feel disturbed by the Calico.

How did he grow up? Sometimes when a cat had a childhood where he had very little to eat it will turn out to be very greedy later on. Nothing much you can do then but wait, he will eventually grow out of it but it might take a long time.

Also, I would make sure he's not having worms. Did you check his poo to see if he has?


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<< Previous Message:  my cat eats like a pig! - scrumpy, Wed Aug 24 21:29:43 2005