Posted by:
at Sun Jan 1 20:51:42 2006 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by cyclopsgrl ]
Only you know your cats' temperment. Some travel much better than others. I have found mine do not travel well -- even the 20 minute trip to the vet. They do not like change. I travel a week to two weeks on buisness and vacation trips a couple times a year. I find a pet sitter works wonderfully. You may want to consider this for trips 2-3 weeks or less. I suppose even up to a month. Have a trusted friend or family member, or do what I do, have a professional stop once a day (one of my cats needs medication and it is actually twice a day, but if yours are healthy, once a day would work).
For week to two week trips, that has always worked best for mine -- keep them in their own environment, routine, and home.
I did have one occasion where I had to go away for business for almost six months when the boys were a couple years old (they are 14 now). In that case, I had a friend that let them live with him for the six months. He lived near me, so I stocked up all the supplies in my place and he kept them with him in his.
Depending on how well your cats do with travel and change, you may want to consider asking a family member or friend to keep them the three months you are gone.
If this is not an option and they just do not travel well, if it were me (and we are all different), the shorter two-ish week trip, I'd use a cat sitter, and the longer three month trip, if I had no one to take them, I'd take them with me, but I'd fly if they were younger cats if you don't think they will travel for several days in a car well.
Only you know what they can handle. Good luck. ----- Tammy
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