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RE: Help Me Help My Babies!

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Posted by: miaow at Fri Aug 18 16:45:15 2006  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by miaow ]  

Thank you for your thoughts but flying them just is not possible. I looked into it rather seriously and at the costs involved. It can't be done. Yes i had them to the vet already and talked all about it with her. We went over most of what you have said. She was really helpful also. She thinks they will be fine on tranquilizers. Which she has agreed to give me along with directions on their usage. If they wont eat i will just water it down and pour it into them. I would never allow them to be damaged in any way. Sadly we have no other alternative besides the road. I also considered leaving them here. But i can't.... One of them needs the other after being together for 8 years. It would be past cruelty to separate them. The other one, was abused as a child. Not by me. If i ever find out who... There is going to be hell to pay. Anyway, by the time she came to me at 9 months old she was very shy and demented. I have spent years and years... seven of them working with her. She has grown very attached to me. To separate her from me at this point would be passing on a death sentence. Because she would stop eating then. And she would gget very depressed. She is still very terrified of other people over time she will warm up and if it is someone in my home though she is still shy with time she can and does come out to check them out before going to hide again.... Then as she gets used to that person coming she gets more comfortable. But it took us 6 months to get close. For the past 6 and a half years she has crawled under my shirt at night to sleep all curled up against my stomach. She has to be close to me at all times when i am home and gives me nasty looks if i dare to leave even for a few minutes. Leaving her just wouldnt be right. And separating her from the other cat... That would be the end of him. At this point i am afraid we are a package deal and so we go together. Can't afford to fly. But thanky you for your thoughts.


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<< Previous Message:  RE: Help Me Help My Babies! - PHKitkat, Thu Aug 17 17:49:30 2006