Posted by:
at Mon Aug 28 16:03:46 2006 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by PHKitkat ]
Sorry, Amber, but you have a lot to learn about cats.
You never, ever, EVER hit a cat, no matter what the cat does. Nor do you even touch a cat that is upset, let alone pick one up. Chasing and yelling at a cat is not a good thing either.
It is normal for a cat to be upset when a new animal is brought into a home. This is why almost all introductions need to be made slowly and gradually, with the new addition isolated for the first 2 weeks or so. My guess is that your cat and the kitten had a face-to-face meeting.
You have to learn to understand the body language of a cat. If you see a cat put it's ears back, or moving it's tail back and forth, you don't touch it. Normally, a cat that is upset will strike out at anyone who touches it or picks it up. Same with a cat that is hissing or growling. Leave it alone until it calms down. I would wait until the cat comes to me on it's own before touching it.
Your cat may or may not learn to trust you again. I recommend talking to your cat only at this time. No touching him for a couple of weeks. He may be hand-shy for a very long time. I would go into his room, sit on the floor, so that you are on his level, and talk softly to him. Offer him special foods and treats, but do not try to get him to take anything from your hand. Chances are that he will strike out again.
I'm really sorry you ended up getting hurt. With patience and the passage of time, hopefully your cat will learn to trust you again. We do have a feline behavior chat on Thursdays at 9:00 pm ET in Cat Care Central. You are welcome to come by if you feel it would help.
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