Posted by:
at Mon Jun 11 13:57:08 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by astilover ]
Male neutered mail still spraying. He is been on amytriptyline (made him aggressive &zombie-like ), now on Reconcile (not agressive-but not effective). Spent thousands of $$ on Rx, Feliway, Comfort zone plug-ins, behavioral modification, Rescue Remedy, homepathic essences, calming herbs, vet visits, carpet cleaners. Even used moth balls. Was really bad when outside cat visits. THat cat is no longer coming around and the Reconcile seemed to work for the first 3 weeks, now he is spraying again. I don't hink it's fair to him to give him to someone else who may not tolerate the problem and euthanize him. He is otherwise a very good cat. It is a multi-cat household and i nthe past he has sprayed at the addtion of a new pet, but always resolved. I have not changed anything environmentally or added any new pets in the last year and he is continuing to spray, has for the past 9 months. I am at my wits end in trying to make sure he feels secure and is happy. He has destroyed so many things. Any help is appreciated!
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