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at Mon Mar 17 15:46:14 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by nixi9 ]
Hi! This past weekend my husband and I adopted a really cute girl from a shelter. She is about 5 years old and has spent her entire life in shelters. She basically picked me when we walked in and was loving and affectionate and didn't want to get off my lap, I fell in love and there was no looking back!
We were warned by the staff that because she has only known the shelter that adapting to a new home and a new cat (our other boy) may be a long process and we are totally happy to wait however long it takes. When we got her home and out of her carrier she immediately crawled under our bed and stayed there for a few hours, in retrospect we should have kept the bedroom door closed so that she wouldn't be overwhelmed but our boy was (and still is) so relaxed about having a new little sister we didn't think it would be a problem. Anyways, in the first day she started sneaking between hidey holes that she's found; under furniture, behind the recycling in the kitchen, back under the bed, and I even found her in the original covered litter box. This morning when we woke up there were three seperates spots where she eliminated in the living room (peed and pooped). She's currently back under the bed and spend my time talking to our boy and her. Heres my questions: As happy as we are to have adopted her, are we inflicting undue stress on her? Is there anything I can do to make her transition better? Is talking to her good or bad? Is the elimination in the living room just a result from stress or what can I do to help her? I can't tell if she's eating yet, how long before I start worrying? Is it a good sign that she's moving and sneaking around the house already?
I am sorry this is so long and I have so many questions, I just want to help her any way I can. From our initial introduction I can tell that she is a lovely, quirky, loving cat...I just hope that taking her away from the only place she's known wasn't the worse thing we could have done for her. Ok...i'm going to stop typing now.. Any help would be appreciated!!
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My little shelter girl - Long...sorry! - nixi9, Mon Mar 17 15:46:14 2008