Posted by:
at Sun Jul 11 20:27:27 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by PHChristy ]
A dear friend of mine's cats are indoor kitties. The other day, a tomcat started stalking them through the windows of her ground-floor apartment, and both her cats became extremely agitated. Eventually one of them turned on the other, a fight ensued, and now one of the cats is hiding in the bedroom, and when they come together they fight.
This has devastated my friend, as her cats used to get along very well and slept together, groomed each other, etc. Her place is very small and longterm separation will be difficult. Additionally, when she closes one cat in the bedroom, the excluded cat (whichever cat is not in the part of the apartment she's in) scratches and cries at the door, apparently endlessly.
This has been going on for three days now, and my friend is sleep-deprived and miserable. I had her get Feliway -- she's had a diffuser going since Saturday and just got the spray today. She and her sister taped paper over the windows and drenched the area outside the windows (there are only two) with cat repellant stuff, in the hopes this cat will pick someone else to bother.
They have not seen the cat again, at least not when my friend was home, but he might have come when she was out.
There seems to have been no improvement in the situation over the weekend.
I'm really a dog person and am at the end of my suggestions. We've read up on it on the web, but at this point, we'd love to hear from people about things that WORKED. Can anyone suggest anything?
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