Posted by:
at Fri Apr 25 18:01:36 2003 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by PHCurious ]
>>You better believe it! I usually have 4 or 5 cats helping me make the bed. LOL. It's a mad rush to see who can pop the most air bubbles and who can pounce on the kidden kitty under the sheets. I usually have to let them play until they get bored and then finish making the bed. The feather duster is a daily game for them too. They think it's anothe rfeather onna stick toy for them. And mopping the floors is a real scream. Casey and Maddie ove to "skate" on the newly washed floor. They will get a running start and then slide across the floor....and then try and take off again only they have no traction. I always laugh myself silly. It reminds me of that part in that motion pictre where the guy is singing old time rock and roll in his underwear. Leave it to my memory to forget who the actor is or the name of the darn movie! >>----- >>Purrs, >>Munchie >>
Tee hee. You're thinking of Tom Cruise in "Risky Business." You've reminded me of why I don't own a feather duster any more!! When trying to dust with those things, cats were leaping all over the place, knocking down items in the process. Another good excuse for me to not clean. :-X ----- PHCurious Cat Chat Host
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