Posted by:
at Wed Jun 18 12:11:16 2003 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by shortstff467 ]
>>Almost every cat will give us a meow now and then to let us know that dinner is late or her tail is stuck in door hinge. Some cats are more vocal than others. They meow constantly but are really talking or singing to themselves. They're not really talking to or with us. Others have real "conversations" with their humans. They meow to us, we say something back, they meow a reply, and so on. >>Where do your kitties lie along this spectrum? Do they meow to you to communicate their every thought? Or do they meow solely when they're in need of something specific, e.g., to let you know they're hungry? If you call their names will they give out a meow to say, "Here I am?" >> >>----- >>PHCurious
Shorty takes spells. She will go a few days an not meow a word. Then she plants hurself right in front of me or on my lap and jabbers up a storm..kinda like she saves it up until she has enough to make it worth the effort. And she does expect me to answer hur. Gets angry if I dont... -----
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