Posted by:
at Mon Sep 27 20:37:20 2004 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by PHMadameAlto ]
>>I will be a new Manx kitten owner tomorrow! I am extremely excited. I have a 15 year old Calico. I know she will be upset with me, but what is the best way to introduce them? I want there to be as little stress as possible for both of them. All suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Oh and one other thing, should I raise the Manx any differently than I would the typical cat? I feed Science Diet, no people food, indoor cats only etc. >>I feel like I am having my 1st
I guess you know the drill about keeping them separated and letting them smell each other under the door for at least a week. Then gradually let them be in each others presence. The info at this site might be helpful:
Feline Behavior
I don't think a Manx cat needs any special care, although they are prone to colon and anal problems. -----

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- Manx Kitten - mrsbirish, Mon Sep 27 19:06:42 2004
RE: Manx Kitten - PHMadameAlto, Mon Sep 27 20:37:20 2004