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RE: Ragdoll Questions

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Posted by: BaileysMum at Sun Dec 5 14:59:45 2004  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by BaileysMum ]  

Hi there, sorry it took me a little while to post... Baily fits all things i have read and have been told by ragdoll breeders about their size, temperment, and overall wellbeing. he is a little over 2 years and weighs around 20lbs and he doesnt really show it because when he walks or plays he reminds me of a lean leopard that you see at the zoo but wiht longer hair
He is always near me usually in the same room as i am or when my husband is home he is always around one of us. I would say that our ragdoll is easy care, he doesnt scratch any of our furniture most of it is leather with a few clothed chairs, nor the rugs... You dont have to brush them as much as other cats, but Bailey loves to be brushed... so i brush him abou 20-30 minutes a day usually in the evening... We feed him premium cat food without animal by products... he loves his water to be in a stainless steel dish as the dish keeps the water cooler than other types. He is healthy as can be, he has never needed extra medical help other than the normal yearly shots. As a kitty they are completely cuddly.. lap kittys, full of playful ness and they are smart cats and i think that they understand what no means and why you are telling them no... He doesnt bother our big Christmas tree in the family room, although we trust him to sleep under it, and he doesnt bother the fiber optic tree on the coffee table He is a good boy. We got the new kitty ragdoll from a purebred cat rescue in Wisconsin she is great and has every quality that i have mentioned about Bailey. And today they are getting along just great I also have: 1 Cinnamon Green Cheek Conure, 1 Parakeet, 2 Female Ferrets. They dont bother any of hte birds, or the ferrets. I dont let the cats be in the same room when my birds are out on their playstands... just because i would not be able to live with myself if something happened. email me for links because i have tons upon tons of them for ragdolls and a few good message boards as well... If you have any other questions please feel free to ask... Good luck researching their breed.

Hello! I noticed by the topic of your post that you have ragdolls! Congratulations on your new kitten! I'm interested in getting a ragdoll and I have some questions that I hope ALL the ragdoll owners can answer! In general do(es) your ragdoll(s) fit the general cuddly laid back nature common of ragdolls? Would you consider ragdolls less/more work than other cats? What are ragdolls like as kittens, and what kinds of mischief do they get in to (examples from your kitten(s) would be great!)? Are your ragdolls healthy cats? Do YOU think that ragdolls would be a good match for someone with a pet bird (due to they're laid back nature, compared to more active cats)? Anything else that you think that would be helpful would be greatly appreciated! Also, is there any books/websites/ragdoll forums that you'd reccommend for me? Thanks so much! And Happy Holidays!



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<< Previous Message:  RE: Ragdoll Questions - SpookyScales, Thu Dec 2 19:44:47 2004