Posted by:
at Thu May 19 15:15:24 2005 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by AstiLover ]
I have a 7 year odl bengal (male) who does not take introduction of any new felines lightly. He seems to be more high strung than the other cats, even though he came into our home that was already a multi-cat home. At that point he was the 3rd and youngest and since the oldest one died and I've introduced a kitten (over 1-1/2 yrs ago) he still marks and will sometime urinate on the new cat's toys or sleeping spots. The two sleep together sometimes and play together so I truly believe it's partly due to his breed. Bengals are known for being very high strung, needy and easily excitable. SOemtimes seeing another cat our squirrell oustide will cause him to mark or spray and he has been neuterd since he was 6 months old! I'm still using Feliway spray, Feliway plug-ins and Petastic for cleanup. Make the introduction long, slow and give the current resident bengal lots of love and attention. Good luck and let us know...
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