Posted by:
at Tue Oct 2 00:01:53 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by PHKitkat ]
Hi There,
This sounds like playing since the cats were taking turns chasing each other. Hissing, growling, and wrestling is also part of normal play in kittens.
At some point the cats will have to decide who is the top cat and it's possible that there may be some fighting for that position.
I will almost always let my cats work out things themselves. Hissing and growling is an everyday thing here but there are never serious fights. All of the others highly respect the top cat.
If things get really rough and one cat is obviously getting more and more upset, I will step in and put a stop to it. One of my males tends to mount the other cats and he is being clicker-trained to stop the behavior because it is so upsetting. He stops cold and runs to me for attention.
Concats on your new addition!
Regards, PHKitkat
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- Fighting or playing? - Chatanuga, Sun Sep 30 22:09:07 2007
RE: Fighting or playing? - PHKitkat, Tue Oct 2 00:01:53 2007