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RE: Skitty hates my husband

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Posted by: PHMadameAlto at Mon Mar 24 21:07:56 2003  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by PHMadameAlto ]  

I am not sure it is hating your husband that is causing Skitty to pee in his chair. If she hated your husband she would more likely act out by hissing at him or threatening him or hiding from him. It probably stems from the other cat who is bullying her. Is this a cat she has lived with all her life? Or is it a cat your husband has brought into your marriage? The answer could make a lot of difference in how you treat the problem.

However, as a generic response: First of Skitty needs to go to the vet to be sure there is no underlying cause like a urinary infection. Then you probably should cover the chair with foil (at least while your hubby's not in it!) which usually discourages cats from marking. Keep attacking the chair with Nature's Miracle and plan on keeping it blocked for at least a month!

Meanwhile check into Feliway. This stuff really can work miracles. You can read about it at or at If you go to the cat faeries site there is an option to get a consultation before ordering the Feliway. This may cost a bit, but the person you talk to is very knowlegeable and will help you a lot!

If you can't stop this problem, then you should consult with the vet about the possibility of using antianxiety drugs like Buspar or Prozac and also see if he/she can recommend an animal behaviorist. Your vet will hopefully be able to guide you if other steps fail to solve this problem.

Smile, it will make them wonder what you are up to!


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