Posted by:
at Wed Sep 3 19:55:00 2003 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by MunchieScrunchie ]
>>Help.... I adopted a 8 week old kitten yesterday, she had been >>born in a barn and lived in it untill week 6 of her life. >>I put her in the litter box about every hr and all she does is go to sleep in it. Last night my daughter put a sleeping bag >>on the floor so she could sleep with the kitten, the litterbox was in her room. The kitten peeded on the end of the bag.. >>HELP.
Have you got a cage you can keep the kitten in for a few days? If she is confined to a smaller space, she will likely use the litterbox rather than soil her sleep and play areas. If you don't have a cage and she does go to the bathroom elsewhere, try and get some of it and put it in the litterbox. Take her paws and gently show her the scratching motion. If she smells some urine or feces in the box, it will give her the idea of what the box is for. What kind of litter are you using? Some cats do not like the hard gravely kind. A soft clay litter is better, but don't use the scoopable kind of litters until she is much older. Kittens tend to eat litter and the scoopable kinds acan cause gastric/intestinal problems if eaten. ----- Dottie
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