Posted by:
at Wed May 31 19:43:04 2006 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Wiscats ]
The diapers, even if he tolerates them, can cause urine burns on his back end if he urinates while wearing them, so you would need to keep a good eye on that. I agree about having a new vet check. Is there some way to keep him from coming into the living room? Norma ----- The Wiscats: "Every life should have 9 cats"! Or is it "Cheaper by the dozen"?? The Excellent Lady Sophie-Marie Wiscat-StLouie  Poucette-Noelle CCarlini-Rexford Simba Wiscat  Henri le Chanceux Wiscat Minette Wiscat-CCarlini Monsieur Gervais le Blanc Wiscat Annie-Claire Rexford-CCarlini Andre-Guillaume Wiscat Beau Wiscat Giselle-Elizabeth SpankyRanch Sylvie-Chantal la Joie Wiscat-SpankyRanch 
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