Posted by:
at Sun Nov 15 10:25:37 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by PFFlyer54 ]
There seems to be a sexual element to my kitten's problems. The sexual part reminds me of a pre-teen who gets excited but can't quite figure out what that excitement is or what to do about it.
My problem started with 2 small kitties, brother & sister. Sister had to be isolated for 2 weeks so they would not tear out each other's stitches. HE got deferred for 2 weeks due to anemia. Although the boy pooed a couple of times, we figured it was due to stress, and not being able to find the litter box. We locked him in the bathroom with food, litter, and a box to hide in, and no more problems.
UNTIL... we tried putting them back together. And, when we let him out of confinement, he found old smells due to a previous cat.
At first contact with the girl, he tried to mount her. She was having none of it. Later, there were two piles where he tried to get it on with her. He also made piles on the sofa - where he had been getting excited over smells from the old cat.
Now, he's in isolation due to getting snipped, and she's going & pooping where ever he pooped before. It's like stereo.
So here's what I'm going to try: putting litter boxes (small bins from the dollar store) everywhere they are marking - and then once they do their business, moving them just a little further away every day. I think I'm going to have to put "samples" in so they know what the bins are for. I am also leaving about 1/2" of water in the tub - where they did it - and a litter box next to the tub with a sample.
I'm keeping my finger crossed.
Since this started happening right before it was time for him to get snipped - I took a sample from the tub to the vet and all there were no problems with it.
These kittens are about 4 months old (yes - they are a little young to get snipped but they were strays from the county shelter, and you can't take them home before they are snipped because the county found out that people who agreed to get them snipped were not complying).
Ironic; because when they asked at the shelter what problems in a cat I could not deal with, I almost put down "pooping for no good reason...."
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