Posted by:
at Mon Sep 11 22:32:25 2006 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by mia2524 ]
I have recently adopted a feral cat. I have been feeding him since May which was the first time he was seen in the neighborhood. I live in the country and normally we don't have ferals around here. He is now in the house and has been for a week and a half. My problem is this, he uses the kitty litter for pee but not for poop. I have 3 other cats. one male 4 y/o and two females, one 2 and one 13. He gets along with my male very well. My 2 y/o hisses at him. He has 4 places where he likes to go. I have tried everything to get him to use the box. I have tried dirt, dirt and litter, plain litter, litter and leaves. Right now he is using the litter and leaves for peeing. He seems to be about 6 months old. When he first came around he was very small. He has grown considerably since I have been feeding him and he is a little piggy now that he is in the house. I just don't know what to do with him and his pooping. He does not let us touch him yet in fact we only think he is a boy from trying to glance under his tail which he does not yet hold high. Please help, I really need suggestions. My house is for sale and this certainly would be a deterrent to any prospective buyer esp. since I can't crate him and I kinda like my skin right where it is, on my hand. Thank you in advance.
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Feral cat and Litter box - mia2524, Mon Sep 11 22:32:25 2006