Posted by:
at Wed Jan 10 11:14:08 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by kittyromeo ]
You didn't mention if it was a covered litterbox or not, but i'm getting the idea your cat is really content with you and your home. It almost seems like Kitty was in the habit of getting good and comfortable, let the poops fall where they may. (the housecleaning staff seems to be highly rated by Kitty).
Many cats have litterbox issues because they don't like the placement or the environment seems threatening to them in some way. (for example, in my basement, there are three boxes for three cats - but one doesn't allow the cats to keep an eye on the steps to see who is coming, so it's rarely used.)
Cats are very territorial so when you moved the litterbox, Kitty may have been a bit more careful, wondering who may sneak up on the litterbox, but once it was established the new spot was safe too - back to the old habits. A bigger box may help.
Pat yourself on the back for having a cat happy enough to use the litterbox consistantly, if a bit messily. So many of the posts here are from owners whose cats are over stimulated or stressed so using the litterbox isn't even an option!
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