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Posted by: cyclopsgrl at Sat Feb 10 06:47:07 2007  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by cyclopsgrl ]  

I have a digger. He'll dig and dig and dig and dig in the box until he has a pyramid in the middle and poops on top of it. It is like a shrine to his poop, LOL... He's done this for 15 years, so I doubt I'll change him now...

I agree w/everyone else. Throw away the Litter Maid. What I've found works best is an enclosed litter box. The sell them for around $10 at Walmart and places like that... I put the fake astroturf welcome mats outside the only opening and that catches most of the litter... You can get one or two cheap at places like Walmart and they also come in other colors than grass green. One would probably work, but I use two as my cats are big and can step wide when they leave the box... I use scoopable litter (not the old fashioned type gravel) and scoop twice a day. I have two cats and twice a day works well. You could probably get away with scooping once a day if you just have one cat. Not a lot of work...

If he is indoor only, and I hope he is, then he doesn't need a bath. My boys are 15 1/2 and have never had a bath (except the weekend I first adopted them, I gave them a flea bath with shampoo from my vet since they picked up fleas at the SPCA where I adopted them). I asked my vet early on -- no bathing necessary. I do brush them regularly... Sometimes I'll run a damp washcloth over them after I brush them to pick up the loose hairs... There is no need for you to bathe him, particularly since he hates it so much...

His need for attention should die down. My digger is also a meower. The best thing to do is ignore him when he meows for attention at inappropriate times (bedtime, etc.) It'll be annoying, but if you say "NO" and totally ignore him and don't give in during inappropriate times, he will stop. Might take a couple weeks. If you give in at all, then you reinforce that his meowing works.
Stanley and Pookey


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