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RE: Peeing and Windows... HELP PLEASE!

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Posted by: kittyromeo at Thu May 10 21:05:06 2007  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by kittyromeo ]  

We're going through something similar here for the first time in 10 years. This time, like last time, it's an outdoor kitty (or kitties more likely this year) who are driving my indoor crew up the walls. With the windows open, any cat scent out there could be drifting in causing him to scent his territory.

It's possible that the beanbag may be beyond rescue. And once a scent cue is made by spraying, cats are driven to remark their spots when the scent fades. So if there is a trace, which we lowly humans can't smell, kitty still smells it and wants to refresh it just so every one knows whose bean bag it is.

I've added a feliway diffuser (Happy kitty phermones) in one room which has helped. We're experimenting with putting down a perimeter with items cats don't like (marigolds, spearmint oil, red pepper, garlic) trying to keep them away from our house.

It could also be that kitty associates the beanbag with something unpleasent and is taking out on the beanbag. Cats will pee on the object of someone they are ticked at - or their favorite person depending on the stressors and each kitty's mindset. Either way, it's a stress reaction - something had already gone very wrong in the house before kitty lifted his tail.

Either way, a vet check to rule out kidney problems is a great place to start. At least you'll know if you are dealing with a behavior or a medical problem.

Best of luck!



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<< Previous Message:  Peeing and Windows... HELP PLEASE! - holophonervirtuo, Wed May 9 20:27:28 2007